As a pet owner, it's important that you understand the common issues that you might encounter with your new furry family member. One of the things that many dog owners don't understand is how easy it is for their pup to suffer a leg or hip injury. Here's a look at what you need to know about puppies, leg injuries, and proper dog care to treat and help prevent these problems.

Are All Dogs Prone To Leg Injuries?

All dogs are prone to leg injuries, but some dogs are more prone to them than others. For example, puppies are highly prone to these types of problems because their joints aren't fully formed until they are older. Additionally, larger breeds are more prone to these problems than smaller breeds because of their size and how rapidly they grow.

How Do These Leg Injuries Happen?

Especially for younger puppies whose joints haven't fully formed, leg injuries can happen far easier than you might think. Whether it's from landing wrong when jumping off a bed or couch, or even from stepping in a hole in the yard, dogs can suffer injuries quite easily, especially in the first year of life.

How Can You Prevent A Dog's Leg Injuries?

The fact that these injuries can happen so easily means that they can be challenging to prevent. You can keep your pup off the furniture, provide a dog bed and keep the pup off your bed, and even make a point to walk your dog on a leash when taking him or her outside to use the bathroom. These things can help minimize the risk, but even slipping on a hardwood or tile floor can cause injury, so make sure you also add throw rugs and runners to your floors for better traction for your dog.

How Do You Treat A Dog's Leg Injury?

If you notice that your dog is favoring a leg, that's a key indication that there's been an injury. Understanding how to treat that injury is important, though. Make sure that your dog gets as much rest as possible for the first several days after an injury starts to become apparent. Resting allows the damaged tissue to heal. This often means bed rest as much as possible, including carrying your pup outside to use the bathroom when necessary.

If you don't notice any improvement within a few days, or if your dog is yelping with pain and unable to walk at all, you need to reach out to a local veterinarian for more thorough care. You may need to have an x-ray done to ensure that there's no damage to the bones, as well as to see if there's any other serious damage that needs to be addressed.

For more information about dog care, contact your veterinarian.
